Piedmont Virginia -“Loudoun County”

Loudoun County lies at the northern extremity of “Piedmont Virginia.” “Piedmont” means “foot of the mountain.” “Piedmont Virginia,” with a length of 250 miles and an average width of about 25 miles, and varying in altitude from 300 to 1,200 feet, lies just east of the Blue Ridge Mountains, and comprises the counties of Loudoun, Fauquier, […]

Gentlemen Freeholders in Virginia: Moss Family of Green Spring Farm

 GENTLEMAN FREEHOLDERS: THE MOSS FAMILY (1770-1835) John Moss built the mansion house in Fairfax County about 1760 and lived in this house until his death in 1809. He raised four sons—John, Samuel, William, and Thomas—the last two of whom successively inherited and worked the farm from 1809 until 1839. On the death of Thomas Moss […]

Where to Find your Virginia Ancestors

Finding the past is an exciting adventure. Not until we visit the old homeplace or search through tombstones do we realize how our bold and hardworking families built a community in that very spot! The past may not be entirely visible, but it is not gone. We visualize the chores and hardships of the farmer’s […]

Pennsylvania Moravians Settle in North Carolina and Virginia

The bravery and hardihood displayed by the itinerant missionaries sent out by the Pennsylvania Synod under the direction of Count Zinzendorf (1742-8), and by the Moravian Church (1748-1753), are mirrored in the numerous diaries, written in German, happily preserved to posterity in religious archives of Pennsylvania and North Carolina. The first crusaders would visit the […]

John Sevier, French Huguenot, Explorer, Soldier

John Sevier, of French Huguenot family (originally spelled Xavier), was born in Augusta County, Virginia, on September 23, 1745. In 1773, Sevier emigrated from Millerstown in Shenandoah County to the Watauga region. With his arrival there begins one of the most fascinating and romantic careers recorded in the varied and stirring annals of the Old […]

The Fight for a Free America

It is appropriate on this voting day to mention one of America’s most famous orators, Patrick Henry. He was a man of his time, who fearlessly faced his opponents, and declared his soul-searching ideals to achieve justice and liberty. Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death Patrick Henry, March 23, 1775. “….The question before the […]

Use County Records to Find Virginia Families

A famous backwoods leader was a mighty hunter and Indian fighter, George Rogers Clark. Clark was physically strong, having light hair and blue eyes. He was from a worthy Virginian family and a backwoods surveyor early in his youth, much like George Washington. Clarke ventured to Kentucky for one year, either at the stations or […]

Finding The Old Neighbourhood: 3-Step Guide To Discover Your Ancestral Home

Tracing your family’s history is not about dwelling in the past, but establishing a strong connection with ancestors and paying respect to their legacy. When finding your roots, one must discover the old site or neighbourhood of their ancestor’s home to learn more about their family tree. Whether it is a nearby park, farm, or […]