
Culpeper County, Virginia Genealogy, Wills, Estates, Tax Digests

Culpeper County was established in 1749 from Orange County. Located in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains, it was named after Thomas Culpeper. During May 1749, the first Culpeper Court convened in the home of Robert Coleman, not far from where the Town of Culpeper is presently located. In July 1749, George Washington, a young man of only seventeen years, was commissioned as the first County surveyor. One of his first duties was to lay out the County’s courthouse complex, which included the courthouse, jail, stocks, gallows and accessory buildings. By 1752 the complex stood at what is presently the northeast corner of Davis and Main Streets. The courthouse village was named the Town of Fairfax after Thomas, Sixth Baron Fairfax.
The Religious Beliefs in Colonial Virginians

When John Cole died during 1757 in Culpeper County, he bequeathed “my great bible” and best suit of clothes and books to his son, John. When his wife, Susannah, died in 1761, she also bequeathed personal effects to the children such as furniture and heiffers, beds, utensils, fifteen gallons of brandy, as well a lot of land and a horse to the son John. The couple were members of St. Mark’s Parish. Before the Revolutionary War, attendance at church was required, as well as tithing, which was usually done in the form of tobacco for the use of the local parsonage.

Images of Culpepper County Wills, Estates, Inventories, etc.
  • 1783 to 1791
  • 1791 to 1803
  • 1803 to 1809

    Tax Digests

    1782 Culpeper County Tax Digest
    1783 Culpeper County Tax Digest
    1784 Culpeper County Tax Digest
    1785 Culpeper County Tax Digest
    1786 Culpeper County Tax Digest
    1787 Culpeper County Tax Digest
    1788 Culpeper County Tax Digest
    1789 Culpeper County Tax Digest
    1790 Culpeper County Tax Digest
    1791 Culpeper County Tax Digest

    Digital Images of Wills 1749 to 1770

    Testators: Abbott, Roger; Abbott, William ; Allen, James; Ball, Samuel ;Blankencocker, Matthias; Bledsoe, William ;Bond, John; Brail, Jacob ;Brooke, Humphrey ;Brown, Thomas ;Browning, Francis ;Burk, Thomas ;Burdyne, Richard ; Butler, John Sr.; Camp, Ambrose; Clore, Peter ;Cole, John ; Cole, Susannah ;Connor, Margaret ;Covington, Robert ;Crone, Margaret ;Doggett, George ;Finney, James ;Floyd, John ;Garr, Larance ;George, Elmore ;Gillison, James ;Gore, John ;Gosney, William ;Gubbard, Ann Mary ;Hansford, Sallie;Hansford, William; Harrensperger, John; Harris, David ;Harrison, Thomas; Haynie, Anthony ;Henderson, William ;Huffman, Henry ;Humphrey, John; Jacoby, John Daniel ;Johnston, Peter ;Johnston, William ;Johnston, William (2) ;Kaffer, Michael ;Kavannaugh, Philemon ; Kelly, William ;Kennerly, Elin ;Kenorly, Samuel ;Kirtley, Francis; Lines, Robert ;Major, Constance ;Marksberry, John ; McMurran, David ;Medley, John ;Medley, Robert ;Medgar, W. S.; Menefee, John ;Mercy, Edward ;Outz, George ;Oxford, Roger ; Pannell, William ;Pendleton, Elizabeth ;Pendleton, James; Phillips, Daniel ;Powell, Benjamin ;Price, Kalem ;Putman, Zachariah ;Quinn, Darby ;Read, John ;Rogers, Joseph ;Rucker, Cornelius ;Rucker, Thomas ;Russell, Sarah ;Russell, William ; Salmon, Thomas ;Scott, Anthony ;Sertain, John ;Sims, Jeremiah ; Sims, William ;Slaughter, Francis ;Slaughter, Robert ;Sloan, James ;Smith, John Michael ;Smither, Thomas; Sneider, John ; Stonecypher, John ;Stoop, Philip; Strother, Francis; Strother, George; Stubblefield, Edward ;Stubblefield, Thomas ; Thompson, George ;Towles, Stokley ;Turman, Robert; Vawter, John ; Vawter, Margaret; Ward, William ;Watts, Thomas; Wetherall, John; Wever, Peter; Wharton, John; Wilder, James; Wilhoite, Tobias; Willhert, Adam; Wright, John; Ziglar, Leonard

Digital Images of Wills 1770 to 1783

Testators: Abbott, Ann; Adams, Robert;Allen, William;Ballenger, Edward ; Barbour, James ;Berry, John; Blackwell, Joseph; Blakey, John; Blankenbecker, Barthasar; Blankenbecker, Christopher ;Blunt, Charles; Bohannon, Elliott; Botfield, Joseph; Brown, George ; Brown, John ;Bryant, Mark ;Bryant, Thomas; Bumgarner, Joel; Bush, Edward;Butler, Walter; Campbell, John; Catlett, Lawrence; Child, William; Christler, Theobolt; Clinch, Jacob; Collings, James; Conner, Philemon; Courts, William; Crosswait, William; Crutcher, Hugh; Dannoto, Alexander; Davis, David ;Deatherage, Robert ;Deer, John; Dicken, Christopher; Duncan, William; Edgar, Susannah; Fargeson, Samuel; Field, Abraham; Field, Henry ; Field, John; Fishback, Frederick; Fisher, Lewis; Fletcher, Francis;Foshee, John; Gaines, Humphrey; Gaines, William; Gamer, Francis; Gibbs, Zachariah ;Golding, William; Graves, James ; Green, William ;Greenless, William ;Griffin, Thomas ;Habler, Conwright ;Hackley, Judith ;Hanes, Ezekiel; Haynes, Jasper; Hening, Samuel ;Henning, Samuel ;Hill, Betty; Hoofman, John ; Hurt, James; James, Gabriel ;Jett, John; Kilby, John; Kirtley, Margaret; Lear, James ;Lightfoot, Goodrich; Long, Bromfill; Mallory, William; Marsh, John; Marshall, Elizabeth; McKenny, John; McQueen, Alexander; Menefee, Jonas; Mershall, William; Minor, Joseph; Mitchell, Cornelius;Mitchell, Jacob; Morgan, Charles; Murry, James; Nalle, John; Neale, Charles; Newman, James; Norman, Courtney; O’Ryan, John; Oxford, Thomas; Payton, Thomas; Peyton, John; Peyton, William;Pilcher, John; Pinor, Thomas; Pollard, Richard;Pratt, Jonathan; Prichard, Jane; Prichett, William; Quinn, Thomas; Roberts, Benjamin;Roberts, George; Robinson, William; Roebuck, William; Rogers, Barnard; Rucker, Esther; Russell, Michael; Sampson, John; Scott, Ambrose; Scotwood, John; Sears, John; Sharman, Robert; Ship, Richard; Simpson, John; Sims, William Sr.; Smith, John; Sparks, William; Strother, Francis ;Stubblefield, James; Taylor, Benjamin; Thompson, John; Thornhill, Bryant; Thornhill, Joseph; Towles, Joseph; Triplett, Hannah; Triplet, Thomas; Tull, Richard; Tureman, Ignatius; Turner, John; Underwood, Lot; Underwood, William; Walker, Edward;Walker, John; Ward, Margaret; Washbour, John; Watts, Joel; Wayland, Adam; Williams, John; Williams, William; Witherall, George; Wood, Samuel; Yager, Nicholas; Young, Richard; Ziglar, Leonard; Zimmerman, Christopher

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