Elizabeth City County, Virginia Genealogy Records, Loose Wills, Estates
Elizabeth City County was created in 1634 as the Elizabeth River Shire, being one of eight shires in the Virginia Colony by the order of the King of England. The county is located in southeastern Virginia and survived from 1634 to 1952. It was subdivided in 1636 and that portion located north of the harbor of Hampton Roads became known as Elizabeth City Shire, afterwards renamed Elizabeth City County. When the Englished arrived in 1607, the area was known as Kikotan after the native Indians. The shire and county were named for Elizabeth of Bohemia, daughter of King James I, sister of Princes Henry and Charles. The county seat is Hampton, established in 1680. In 1952, Elizabeth City County merged with Hampton and is today the independent city of Hampton. The city also includes the former Town of Phoebus.

Land Causes
- 1809 to 1813
- 1833 to 1836
- Map of Elizabeth City
- Marriages and Licenses 1694 to 1699; 1719 to 1720
- 1704 Quit Rents
Indexes to Probate Records
- Wills and Estates 1701 to 1859
- Deeds and Wills 1758 to 1899
Guardians Accounts
- 1737 to 1748
- 1827 to 1843
Images of Wills, Deeds, Estates 1689 to 1699
Images of Loose Wills 1700 to 1805 (Vols. 1, 2, 3)
Adams, John Nelson | Allen, John | Allen, Phillip | Allen, William | Allin, Elenor | Armistead, Anthony | Armistead, Booth | Armistead, Catharine Armistead, Edward | Armistead, Elizabeth | Armistead, James Bray | Armistead, John | Armistead, Martha | Armistead, Moseley | Armistead, Robert | Armistead, Robert Sr. | Armistead, Samuel | Armistead, Starkey | Armistead, Wallace | Armistead, Westwood | Armistead, Westwood, Capt. | Armistead, Williams | Armistead, William | Avera, Charles | Avera, Hannah | Badget, William | Bagley, Sarah | | Baines, Henry Baker, James | Baker, John | Baker, Sarah | Ballard, Edward | Ballard, Francis | Ballard, James | Ballard, William | Baner, Richard | Banister, Joseph | Banks, John | Barber, Gray | Barron, Samuel | Bayley, Charles | Bayley, John Wallace | Bayley, Judith | Bayley, Nicholas | Bayley, Sarah | | Bayley, Thomas | Baylis, William | Bedingfield, Nathaniel | Belfont, Mary Jemima | Bell, Nathaniel Bennett, John | Berry, James | Betts, Thomas | Birdie, Elizabeth | Boorswell, Adam | Bows, John | Bowtack, Adam | Bright, Francis | Bright, Robert | Bright, Samuel | Brodie, Elizabeth | Brodie, John | Brodus, John | Brough, Mary | Brough, Robert | Brown, James | Brown, Mary | Brown, Sophie | Brown, William | Bryan, Benjamin | Bryant, Richard | Buckeloo, Catharine Van | Buthal, John | Carter, William | Cary, Miles | Casy, William | Chrisman, Mount Edward | Cole, Charles | Cook, Pennell | Cooper, John | Copeland, Mary | Copeland, William | Cornelius, James | Cotton, Job | Couper, Philip | Cowper, Anne | Creeke, William | Cross, John | Cross, Robert | Cunningham, James | Cunningham, Nathaniel | Cunningham, William | Curle, Andrew | Curle, Wilson | Curls, Samuel | Dames, John | Davison, David | Daws, John | Dembre, John | Dens, John | Dent, Laurence | Depenis, Anthony Benjamin | Dixon, Thomas | Elliott, Robert | Farr, William | Faulkner, Elizabeth | Field, John | Finnis, Joanna | Fraser, William | Gilbert, James | Goddin, William | Good, William | Goodson, Martin | Hall, Mark | Halliday, Edward | Ham, Benjamin | Hamilton, Alexander | Hanker, Mary Ann | Harris, Sarah | Need | Harvey, Jane | Haskins, James | Hawkins, Anthony Hawkins, John | Hawkins, Richard | Hawkins, William | Henden, Judy | Henderson, Arthur | Herbert, John | Herbert, Judith Herbert, Rosea Tyler | Heron, Thomas Sr. | Holland, John | Holland, William M. | Howard, John | Hunt, Phebe | Hunt, William | Hurst, Edward | Jegritts, Joseph | Jenkins, John | Jenings, Charles | Jenings, Thomas | Jones, Anna | Jones, Harris | Jones, Ledia | Jones, Samuel | Jones, Sarah | Kerby, Thomas | King, Charles | King, Henry | King, John Curle | King, Mary | King, Michael | King, Rebecca | King, Susanna | King, Thomas | Langston, William | Latimer, Ann | Latimer, Edward | Latimer, J. | Latimer, Mary | Latimer, Sarah | Latimer, William | Latman, George | Lawson, Barbara | Lewis, John | Lewis, Thomas | Lewis, William | Lowry, John | Mallory, Deana | Mallory, Edward | Mallory, Frances | Mallory, Mary | Maney, William | Manon, Peter | Manor, John | Marshall, William | Massenberg, Robert | McClung, William | McCrees, Matthew | McNamara, Florence | Meredith, Joseph | Meredith, Mary | Mingham, Anne | Mingham, Thomas | Minion, Francis | Minson, Banster | Minson, William | Mitchell, Ross | Mitchell, William | Mixon, George | Moore, Augustine | Moore, John | Moore, Merritt | More, Augustine Morison, Jean | Moore, Anne | Moore, Ann | Morches, William | Morris, Christopher | Morris, Sheppard Mossenburger, John | Nardham, Joseph | Nelson, John | Nilson, Hannah | Paflour, Charles | Page, John | Parish, Ann | Parish, Mary | Parsons, Jane | Parsons, John | Parsons, William | Peine, Elizabeth | Pence, William | Penne, Penuel | Pilats, William Allen | Pool, Francis | Poole, Alexander | Poole, Midelton | Poole, Samuel | Powell, Mary | Proby, Bartrand | Raylor, James | Reada, John | Reist, Thomas | Renal, Mary | Riddlehurst, Francis | Riddlehurst, James | Robertson, Henry Robertson, John | Robins, Nashney | Robinson, John | Robinson, Judith | Roe, Ann | Roe, Jane | Rogers, Thomasine | Rollin, Simon | Rombough, John Henry | Ross, Elizabeth | Ross, John | Ross, Johnson | Ross, Martha | Routon, Richard | Rudd, Edward | Russell, Sandefer | Sanders, Elizabeth | Sanders, Judy | Sandifer, Mathew | Sandifer, Peter | Sandifer, Robert | Sandifer, William | Sands, Penuel | Saunders, James | Selby, Edward | Selden, Mary | Selden, William | Sharpless, C. | Shaw, Chasten | Sheppard, Jean | Sheppard, John | Sherley, Richard | Silverthon, Thomas | Sisser, John | Skinner, Anne | Skinner, John | Skinner, Samuel | Skinner, Thomas | Smelt, Robert | Smith, Fanny | Smith, John | Smith, Mary | Smith, William | Solders, Rebecca | Sonels, Joseph | Stokes, Frazer | Stores, John | Sweny, Jane | Sweny, Martha | Sweny, Merritt | Tabb, John, Colonel | Tabb, John | Tabb, Johnson | Tabb, Mary | Table, Mary | Tarrant, Caesar | Tarrant, Carter Tarrant, Elizabeth | Tarrant, Mary | Thomas, George | Thompson, William | Thurmer, James | Tompkins, James | Tucker, Anthony Tucker, Robert | Tucker, Rosea | Wager, William | Wallace, Ann | Wallace, Deanna | Wallace, Martha | Wallace, Robert | Wallace, William C. | Watts, Jean | Watts, Samuel | Watts, Thomas | Webster, Thomas | Wellings, Elizabeth | Weshoon, Merrit | Westbrook, William | Weymore, John | Weymouth, John | Weymouth, Rebecca | Weymouth, William | Wheeler, Robert | Whitaker, Nathan | White, Isaac | White, John | Whiting, Easter | Williams, John | Williams, Mather | Willis, Robert | Wilson, Ann | Wilson, Hezekiah | Wilson, John | Wilson, Mary | Withington, Richard | Wood, John | Wood, Mary | Wray, George | Wray, Jacob Wythe, Thomas | Yancey, Achiles | Yancey, Nathan Yeo, George | Young, GerardFactoring Agents
Genealogy Tips by Jeannette Holland Austin
A factor is an agent who transacts business for another. In colonial days there were tobacco and cotton factors. In other words, shipping tobacco to England, the West Indies or elsewhere, required an agent to sell the crops and handle the business transactions.