Henry County Genealogy Records
Henry County was established in 1777 when it was taken from Pittsylvania County. It was first given name of Patrick Henry County (in honor of Patrick Henry, the first Governor of Virginia) of ” Leatherwood Plantation” having some 10,000-acres. In 1785 the northern part of Patrick Henry County was combined with part of Bedford County to form Franklin County. In 1790, Patrick Henry County was split again: the western part became Patrick County and the rest remained Henry County. The county seat is Martinsville.
Marriage Records
- Licenses 1778-1794
- Marriages 1778-1799
Land Records (Tax Digests)
- 1782 to 1787
The following traced genealogies and family histories of Henry County available to Members
Dillard, Dyer, Estes, France, Gravely, Hairston, Koger, Matthews, Mitchell, Nance, Pannill, Penn, Spencer, Starling, Stone, Stovall, Stuart, Tuggle and Waller.
The Expanding Universe of Genealogy
Cahokia As more data is unfolded from expanding resources, such as DNA and solor technology which fingerprints the location of ancient villages and burials on the map, it opens up a new vestitude of thought for genealogists. We are beginning to see evidence of large cities of Native Americans and their migrations. I, for one, assumed that the large mounds were burial grounds. Yet, excavations in reveal the site of buildings constructed similar to those in Egypt and South America. Over 200 mounds were found in the Mississippi River area alone. Cahokia, a sophisticated village near East St. Louis in Missouri reveals the remnants of more than a thousand prehistoric houses and the base of an earthen pyramid, which is one of dozens which towered above the original settlement. There are 120 massive pyramids of earth, more than twice the number of any other site. The various Indian cultures appear to be migrations from Europe and the Middle East. The Cherokees, for example, in North Georgia and North Carolina appear to descend from Sephardi Jews who resided in the Iberian Peninsula inn the late 15th century before the Alhambra Decree of 1492 (banishment) by the Catholic monarchs in Spain. Their origin was discovered after DNA samples were taken from various cultures around the world. The Separdi Jews (later Cherokees), it seems, migrated to America about 1600. History did not quite get it right. Discounting the fact that during ancient times, many ships were upon the seas, with scattered unrecorded settlements in Nova Scotia and upon the North America and South American continent, an apparent loss of ship manifests is also a factor in the loss of so many settlements and cultures. We have the History Books’ version of one big discovery in 1492, and that ended the discussion for a long while. But genealogists know that an untold number of migrations occcurred and that the records only scan the surface. Trace your families in Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, North Carolina, South Carolina and Virginia onĀ 8 genealogy sites