Prince Edward County Records, Wills, Estates, Probate Records
Images of Wills 1754 to 1785
Testators: Archdeacon, James | Atkins, Robert | Atwood, James | Baker, Duglass| Baker, Martha | Baker, Martha (2) | Baker, Mary | Baker, Robert | Barns, William | Beaker, Caleb | Booker, William | Bryan, Thomas | Caldwell, Thomas | Caldwell, Thomas (2) | Carter, Theodrick | Cary, William | Christian, Ann | Coffee, Peter | Collicott, James | Crisman, Daniel | Cunningham, Alexander | Davidson, John | Dearman, Michael | DeJarnett, Daniel | DeJarnett, Elias | DeJarnett, Mary | Donnel, James| Ewing, Samuel | Fielder, Thomas | Flournoy, David | Garden, James | Gillespie, Patrick |Gillespie, Robert A.| Gordon, John| Graven, John| Griffin, James| Hackley, Samuel| Harper, Edmund | Harris, Micajah| Harris, Thomas | Harrison, William | Hawkins, Benjamin | Hill, William | Hughes, Leander| Johnston, Edward | Ligon, Henry Sr. | Littlejohn, Joseph | Lugh, Zachariah | Martain, Samuel | Martin, James | Mathews, Samuel | MacCartney, James | McCroy, James | McLard, David | Moor, Royall | More, George | Nash, John | Nash, Mary | Owens, John | Price, Pugh | Read, James | Reed, John | Reed, Samuel | Rice, Charles | Rice, Joseph | Richey, Hugh | Rowlett, John | Tuggle, Benjamin | Walker, George Sr. | Watkins, John | Whitlock, Sarah | Wimbish, Benjamin | Wimbish, James | Woodson, Constant | Woodson, Obadiah | Woodson, Richard | Yarbrough, William
Images of Wills 1785 to 1795
Testators: Adams, William Robert | Allen, James | Armstrong, Thomas | Baker, Samuel | Brooks, Isaac | Burks, George | Carr, Hugh | Cawthon, John | Chambers, Josiah | Childres, Robert | Clarke, John Jr. | Clark, Thomas | Cobb, Sarah | DeJarnett, John | Dixon, John | Gillespie, Francis | Hambleton, Alexander | Harper, Hannah | Hay, Daniel | Holt, Plunkett | Hughes, Jesse | Jackson, Thomas | Johnston, Henry | Lawson, Benjamin | Lewellin, Daniel | Lewellin, Thomas | Lewellin, William | Lockett, Stephen | McFeley, Manassah | Moore, Joseph | North, William | Price, Charles | Ritchie, Charles | Scott, John Scott, Mildred | Ward, Robert B. | Watts, Sarah | Woodson, Charles | Zachery, Bartholomew
Images of Wills 1795 to 1807
Anderson, William | Anderson, William (2) | Baker, Andrew | Baker, Christian | Baker, Douglass | Baldwin, Caleb | Baldwin, John | Baldwin, William | Beasley, Peter | Bever, John | Blanton, Richard Sr. | Booker, Mary | Brightwell, Reynold | Cardwell, John | Cason, Seth | Cathern, Adam | Chambers, Mary | Clarke, Joel | Downs, Margaret | Elliott, Andrew | Farley, William | Fears, James | Flournoy, Thomas | Foster, Richard | Gibson, Ann | Goode, Robert | Goode, Samuel | Hambleton, Obedience | Hartgrove, Thomas | Haskins, Thomas | Hix, John | Holland, Dick | Holland, Sarah | Hudson, James | Hudson, Thomas Sr. | Hudson, William | Hunt, Elizabeth | Huskegson, Luceasy | Jackson, Matthew | Jackson, Nancy | Jenning, Eleanor | Lewis, David | Ligon, James | Maner, Ferguson | Mason, Benjamin | Mason, William | Matthews, William | Meadows, Joel | Miller, John | Milley, Thomas | Moore, George | Morton, John | Nash, John Sr. | Neat, Stephen | Owen, Thomas | Pankey, Mary | Peek, William | Phillips, Richard | Pinick, Mary | Pinick, Charles | Price, James | Redd, Thomas | Ritchey, Mary | Ritchey, Mary (2) | Shepherd, Isaac | Smith, Henry | Thompson, John | Tucker, Joseph | Venable, Matthew | Waddell, Richard Sr. | Wade, Phillip | Walthall, Christopher | Walton, George | Watkins, Henry | Watkins, Robert | Watson, John | Williams, Willis | Winge, Andrew
Indexes to Probate Records
Index to Inventories, Accounts, and Wills 1785 to 1795
Miscellaneous Wills and Estates
Collicot, James LWT ca 1770
Harris, Thomas (1792), LWT, (transcribed) Whitlock, James
Images of Guardian Accounts
- 1764-1797
- 1798-1829
- 1829-1855
- 1855-1869
Marriage Bonds
- 1755 to 1850
Abstracts of Deeds
- 1788-1790