Prince William County Genealogy, Wills, Estates, Marriages, Probate Records
Indexes to Probate Records
- Wills, Inventories, Accounts 1734-1744
- Wills, Inventories Accounts 1782-1792
- Abstracts of Wills 1734-1781
Digital Images of Wills 1734-1744
Testators: Ashford, Ann | Ashford, Michael | Awbroy, Francis | Bridges, William | Bullock, Richard | Chapman, Joseph | Coffer, Mary | Deakers, Thomas | Debee, William | Doyle, Edward | Drakefoot, Richard | Edge, John | Farrow, Abram | French, James | Gibson, Jacob | Gosling, John | Gosling, Simon | Gregg, John | Greshon, James | Hager, Henry | Hardin, Mark | Haurork, Scarlot | Henderson, James | Hishback, John | Jordan, Thomas | Lacon, Francis | Lawson, Marmaduke | Marr, John | Morris, Ann | Neal, Rodham | Oriar, Daniel | Overall, John | Paddorfou, Catherine | Page, John | Simos, Richard | Simson, Thomas | Sparkes, William | Suto, Edward | Tobbs, Daniel | Walker, John | Williams, Jonas Jr. | Wright, Francis and Young, Edward
Digital Images of Wills 1778 to 1791
Testators: Ashmore, John | Atwell, Thomas | Bennett, William | Botts, Joshua | Brown, Elizabeth | Brown, James | Bullitt, Cuthbert | Burroughs, John | Burrows, John | Carr, William | Carter, Giles | Chapman, John | Chapman, Thomas | Cheek, John | Cooper, Henry | Crook, Zephaniah | Dagg, Thomas | Delgarn, John | Dowell, John | Ewell, Thomas Winder | Fennell, Francis | Foley, Mary | Forbes, David | Foster, William | Goodman, John | Graham, John | Graham, John (2) | Gray, Francis | Green, George | Harrison, Ann | Harrison, Burr | Harrison, Cuthbert | Haskins, John | Helm, Linaugh | Higgs, Truman | Hogan, Thomas | Hutchinson, John | Ismongrove, Lydia Musgrove | Jackson, Francis | Jackson, Samuel Sr. | Kitchen, George | Landrum, William | Lee, Henry | Love, Samuel | Lowe, John | Moseley, Robert | Murray, John | Peachey, Samuel Jr. | Petty, Joseph | Peyton, Henry | Peyton, Valentine | Powell, William | Purcell, William | Quisenberry, James | Randolph, John | Reeves, John | Reeves, Mary | Ross, John | Ross, William | Rove, George | Scott, James | Scott, Sarah | Shute, Fanny | Simms, Jane | Smith, Caleb | Smoot, Thomas | Sparks, William | Stone, Thomas | Suel, Margaret | Tackett, William | Tennison, William | Tibbs, Foushee | Whitledge, William | Wilson, Henry | Wilson, Sarah
- Images of Administrator Bonds 1753-1782 (not indexed)