Sussex County Virginia Genealogy Records: Wills, Estates, Inventories, Guardianships

Images of Wills and Estates 1754-1764
Adams, Ben | ||
Adkins, Henry | Adkins, John | Atkins, Thos |
Alsobrook, Sam | Armstrong, Jos | Atkinson, Henry |
Avents, John | Avent, Thos | Babbit, Thos |
Bagley, Peter | Bair, Wm | Banke, Jas |
Barker, Henry | Bell, Balaam | Bellemy, ELiz. |
Bellemy, Robt | Bethemey, ELiz. | Bennington, Robt |
Blow, Richd | Booth, Geo | Bridge, Judith |
Broadrib, Jas | Broadrib, Thos | Bullock, Jeremiah |
Bullock, Robt | Burrow, Thos | Burrow, Wm |
Carter, Richd | Chappell, ELiz. | Clary, Thos |
Clifton, Wm | Cook, Reuben | Cornwell, Sam |
Cragg, Wm | Crellow, Jeptha | Daney, Wm |
Dobie, Robt | Driggs, Wm | Eckles, Edwd |
Eldridge, Thos | Ellis, Ben | Evans, Sarah |
Ezell, Timothy | Farrington, Robt | Felts, Richd |
Freeman, Agnes | Freeman, Henry | Freeman, Joel |
Freeman, Nathan | Gee, Jas | Gilliam, Jordan |
Griffin, Edwd | Hancock, Anthony | Hancock, Clement |
Hancock, John | Harper, Ben | Harper, Wm |
Harper, Wyatt | Harwick, John | Hawth, Peter |
Hawthorne, Rachel | Hayes, Wm/a> | Hayne, Wyatt |
Heath, Adam | Hill, Matt | Hines, Wm Sr. |
Hobbs, Thos | Hoe, Cannon | Howell, Wm |
Hulin, Coles | Hulings, Israel | Hulme, Ann |
Hunt, John | Hunt, Thos | Irby, John |
Jenkins, John | Johnson, S, | Johnson, Moses |
Johnson, Thos | Jones, David | Jones, Edmund |
Jones, Nich. | Judkins, Robt | King, John Jr. |
King, Richd | King, Wm | Knight, Daniel |
Knight, John | Knight, Wm | Lessenberry, John |
Malone, Nathl | Mason, Isaac | Mason, John |
Meacham, Henry | Metcalf, Warner | Metcalf, Warner, etc |
Mitchell, Henry | Mitchell, Thos | Moore, Eliz. |
Morgan, Priscilla | Moss, Ben | Moss, John |
Moss, Wm | Mumford, Thos | Musson, Richd |
Nicolson, John | Nicolson, Robt | Nicholson, John |
Oliver, Thos | Owen, Wm | Paine, Wm |
Panridge, Nich. | Parham, Ephraim | Parham, John |
Parham, Wm | Parker, Sarah | Pepper, Richd |
Peters, Thos | Randolph, Mary | Rawlings, Gregory |
Rawlings, Hannah | Rea, Wm | Reeks, John |
Rochell, John | Roland, John | Roland, Jos |
Rose, Richd | Sanders, Wm | Shands, John |
Shands Nazareth | Shands, Wm | Shanks, Wm |
Sister, Andrew | Smith, Sam | Stafford, Thos |
Sturdivant, Isham | Tatum, Sam | Threewitts, Ann |
Tomlinson, Ben | Tomlinson, John | Tomlinson, Wm |
Tyus, John | Underwood, Beedles | Wallace, Jas |
Watkins, Wm | Weathers, Wm | Welden, Ben |
Wilborn, John | Wilkerson, John | Wingfield, Jas |
Wingfield, Jervis | Wyche, Geo | Wyche, Jas |
Wynne, Robt | Wynne, Sloman | Zell, Eliz. |
Zills, Lambert |
Images of Wills and Estates 1761-1771
Adkins, Thos | Andrews, John | Andrews, Wm Sr. |
Atkinson, Thos | Avent, Wm | Avery, John |
Bagley, Geo | Banks, Burwell | Barker, John |
Barker, Jos | Barlow, Wm | Bell, Hannah |
Bennett, Wm | Beddingfield, Nathl | Bennington, Thos |
Betts, Thos | Biggins, Wm | Bonner, Mary |
Booth, Geo | Bradley, Wm | Briggs, Howell |
Briggs, Wm | Brittle, Wm | Bullock, Amy |
Burham, Edwd | Burrow, Wm | Cain, Jas |
Capell, Thos | Carter, Richd | Cartridge, Wells |
Chappell, Jas | Clary, Bird | Clary, Thos |
Cook, Jos | Cook, Reuben | Cook, Wm |
Cooke, ELiz. | Cornett, Geo | Cornett, Martha |
Dancy, Wm | Dashly, Thos | Davis, Thos |
Death, John | Death, Mary | Denton, Jos |
Dickins, Thos | Drew, Wm Sr. | Dunn, Thos |
Eatkins, Wilmotte | Edmunds, John | Eldridge, Wm |
Ellis, Ben | Ezell, Timothy | Fanning, Bryant |
Felts, Nathl | Felts, Thos | Gee, Chas |
Gibbons, John | Gilliam, Chas | Gilliam, Drury |
Gilliam, Hinsha | Gilliam, Martha | Gilliam, Wm |
Hancock, Anthony | Hancock, Clement | Hancock, Sarah |
Hancock, Wm | Harper, Edwd | Hawthorn, Jeptha |
Hawthorn, Joshua | Hay, John | Hays, Judith |
Heeth, Wm | Hewitt, Wm | Hill, Amy |
Hill, John | Hill, Lucy | Hill, Mich. |
Hill, Richd | Howell, Wm | Hunt, Ben |
Irby, John | Ivie, Henry | Jackson, John |
Jarrad, John | Jenkins, John | Johnson, Moses |
Jones, Jas | Jones, Richd | King, Andrew |
King, John | King, John Jr. | Knight, Wm |
Lashley, John | Leath, Chas | Mabry, Chas |
Maclimore, John | Massenburg, N. | MeGee, Ralph |
McMich., Wm | Mitchell, Henry | Mitchell, John |
Mitchell, Nathl | Moore, Eppes | Moore, Sarah |
Moore, Thos | Moore, Wm | Norvell, Wm |
Owen, Robt | Parham, Mathew | Parham, Matt |
Parham, Robt | Parker, Wm | Paynter, John |
Pennington, John | Pennington, Jos | Pennington, Joshua |
Pennington, Moses | Pennington, Robt | Pennington, Thos |
Porch, Henry | Pretlow, Joshua | Price, Ann |
Rainey, Wm | Rawlings, Gregory | Rawlings, John Jr. |
Ray, John | Rieves, Francis | Robts, Willett |
Robinson, Geo | Rogers, Wm | Roland, Jos |
Rose, Richd | Rosser, Thos | Rottenberry, L. |
Rottenberry, S. | Sammons, Jas | Sammons, John |
Sanders, Sarah | Sanders, Sarah | Sharp, Hardy |
Sledge, Chas | Smith, Jas | Smith, John |
Smith, Mary | Smith, Thos | Southworth, John |
Stohns, Sam | Stokes, John | Stokes, Sam |
Stokes, Silvanus | Sturdivant, Abner | Sturdivant, Henry |
Tatum, Chris | Tatum, John | Tatum, Sam |
Threewitts, Fr. | Tomlinson, Burrell | Tomlinson, John |
Tuder, Henry | Tyus, Absalom | Tyus, John |
Tyus, Sylvia | Tyus, Thos | Wade, Thos |
Ward, Wm | Weaver, Edmund | Whitehead, Matt |
Whitfield, Matt | Wilbourn, John Jr. | Wilburn, Mary |
Wilkerson, ELiz. | Wms, Jas | Winfield, Wm |
Wyche, Ben | Wynne, Thos | Young, Thos |
Images of Wills and Estates 1771-1785
Adkinson, Thos | Anderson, Jas | Anderson, Robt |
Avery, Richd | Barr, Gabriel | Barker, Chas |
Barker, Jas | Barker, Jehu | Barker, Jos |
Battle, Chas | Battle, Hamlin | Baylis, Humphrey |
Bell, Jas | Blanks, David | Blizard, Chas |
Blunt, Jane | Blunt, Richd | Bonner, Mary |
Bradley, Henry | Briggs, Howell | Briggs, Lucy |
Broadnan, Wm | Brown, Wm | Burrow, Wm |
Cargill, John | Carter, ELiz. | Carpenter, John |
Caton, ELiz. | Chappell, Jas | Clark, John |
Clary, Jas | Cocke, John | Colson, Wm |
Cook, Jas | Cook, Wm | Cotton, Thos |
David, John | Davis, Joan | Davis, Thos |
Duncan, Nathl | Dunn, Thos | Edmunds, John |
Eskridge, Thos | Felts, Nathl | Felts, Thos |
Fort, Holliday | Freeman, Henry | Freeman, Josiah |
Freeman, Phebe | Garland, Martha | Gilliam, Amy |
Gilliam, John | Gilliam, Mary | Gilman, Warrick |
Hamlin, S, | Hancock, Ben | Hancock, Wm |
Hardee, John | Harrison, Henry | Harrison, John |
Harwood, Phil | Heeth, John | Heeth, Wm |
Hern, Jas | Hill, Ben | Hill, Michal |
Hill, Richd | Hill, Wm | Hines, Thos |
Hood, John | Hubbard, Matt | Hunt, John |
Hunt, Wm | Jackson, John | Jackson, Robt |
Jas, Abner | Judkins, Chas | Johnson, Thos |
Jones, Howell | Jones, Jas | Jones, Jos |
Jones, Matt | Jones, Richd | Jones, Robt |
Jones, Robt | Jones, Rowell | Keron, Jas |
Lane, Jos | Loftin, Wm | Mabry, Chas |
Mann, Jas | Marable, Henry | Manry, Henry |
Meacham, Joshua | Mill, Richd | Miller, Wm |
Mitchell, Henry | Mitchel, Wm | Moore, Anne |
Moore, Epps | Moore, Martha | Moss, Jas |
Moss, John | Moss, Mary | Moss, Seth |
Nicolson, John | Nicolson, Mary | Northington, Matt |
Northington, S. | Parham, Thos | Parham, Wm |
Parker, Wm | Parssom, Robt | Partridge, Nich |
Pate, Thos | Pennington, John | Pennington, Thos |
Peters, Thos | Pettway, Edwd | Pettway, Robt |
Pettway, Wm | Porch, Henry | Porch, Jas Sr. |
Price, H. | Pye, Malcott | Randall, Geo |
Rawlins, Greg | Richdson, Arthur | Richdson, John |
Rives, Chris | Rives, John | Rives, Wm |
Robart, Wilcox | Robts, Faithy | Rogers, Ben |
Rogers, Wm | Shands, Wm | Shearman, Thos |
Sturdivant, John A. | Thompson, John | Todd, Sam |
Tucker, Joel | Tucker, Robt | Tyler, Henry |
Underwood, Robt | Wade, Thos | Wallis, Thos |
Weathers, Lydia | Weaver, Edwd | Wilbourn, Ann |
Wilbourn, Joel | Wilbourn, Mary | Wingfield, Abraham |
Wingfield, Wm | Wrenn, Nathan | Wyche, John |
Wyche, Nathl | Wynne, Thos | Young, Katherine |
Young, Thos | Zells, John
Images of Guardian Accounts and Estate Inventories
- 1754 to 1787
- 1782 to 1789
- 1789 to 1824
- 1824 to 1831
Images of Wills and Inventories
- 1790 to 1796
- 1796 to 1806
- 1806 to 1812
Worn out Virginia Land Pushed Settlers Westward

The name of the game was rich soil upon which to establish fertile crops. During the early 1700s in Virginia,people were moving away from the family estates, and the reason is that they were receiving land grants to go West and settle untamed mountainous regions. Thus, the genealogist should do some historical research into that era, particularly military records, to learn what was happening concerning Indian relations and wars. Should you be researching during an early time and locate the wills and estates of all the children except one or two, then the next question should be “where were they?” This thought also applies to marriage records. If they did not marry in their home county, then where did they go? Naturally, it is important to read all of the old wills and estates of everyone in the family (in that county) because the answer might be found in one of those documents. In other words, one should become as familiar with the ancestral families as he is his own in modern times.