
Sussex County Virginia Genealogy Records: Wills, Estates, Inventories, Guardianships

Sussex County was named for the English county by the same name, and was formed from Surry County in 1753. The early records are in fairly good shape, with some blurring and fading.

Images of Wills and Estates 1754-1764

Adams, Ben
Adkins, HenryAdkins, JohnAtkins, Thos
Alsobrook, SamArmstrong, JosAtkinson, Henry
Avents, JohnAvent, ThosBabbit, Thos
Bagley, PeterBair, WmBanke, Jas
Barker, HenryBell, BalaamBellemy, ELiz.
Bellemy, RobtBethemey, ELiz.Bennington, Robt
Blow, RichdBooth, GeoBridge, Judith
Broadrib, JasBroadrib, ThosBullock, Jeremiah
Bullock, RobtBurrow, ThosBurrow, Wm
Carter, RichdChappell, ELiz.Clary, Thos
Clifton, WmCook, ReubenCornwell, Sam
Cragg, WmCrellow, JepthaDaney, Wm
Dobie, RobtDriggs, WmEckles, Edwd
Eldridge, ThosEllis, BenEvans, Sarah
Ezell, TimothyFarrington, RobtFelts, Richd
Freeman, AgnesFreeman, HenryFreeman, Joel
Freeman, NathanGee, JasGilliam, Jordan
Griffin, EdwdHancock, AnthonyHancock, Clement
Hancock, JohnHarper, BenHarper, Wm
Harper, WyattHarwick, JohnHawth, Peter
Hawthorne, RachelHayes, Wm/a>Hayne, Wyatt
Heath, AdamHill, MattHines, Wm Sr.
Hobbs, ThosHoe, CannonHowell, Wm
Hulin, ColesHulings, IsraelHulme, Ann
Hunt, JohnHunt, ThosIrby, John
Jenkins, JohnJohnson, S,Johnson, Moses
Johnson, ThosJones, DavidJones, Edmund
Jones, Nich.Judkins, RobtKing, John Jr.
King, RichdKing, WmKnight, Daniel
Knight, JohnKnight, WmLessenberry, John
Malone, NathlMason, IsaacMason, John
Meacham, HenryMetcalf, WarnerMetcalf, Warner, etc
Mitchell, HenryMitchell, ThosMoore, Eliz.
Morgan, PriscillaMoss, BenMoss, John
Moss, WmMumford, ThosMusson, Richd
Nicolson, JohnNicolson, RobtNicholson, John
Oliver, ThosOwen, WmPaine, Wm
Panridge, Nich.Parham, EphraimParham, John
Parham, WmParker, SarahPepper, Richd
Peters, ThosRandolph, MaryRawlings, Gregory
Rawlings, HannahRea, WmReeks, John
Rochell, JohnRoland, JohnRoland, Jos
Rose, RichdSanders, WmShands, John
Shands NazarethShands, WmShanks, Wm
Sister, AndrewSmith, SamStafford, Thos
Sturdivant, IshamTatum, SamThreewitts, Ann
Tomlinson, BenTomlinson, JohnTomlinson, Wm
Tyus, JohnUnderwood, BeedlesWallace, Jas
Watkins, WmWeathers, WmWelden, Ben
Wilborn, JohnWilkerson, JohnWingfield, Jas
Wingfield, JervisWyche, GeoWyche, Jas
Wynne, RobtWynne, SlomanZell, Eliz.
Zills, Lambert
Images of Wills and Estates 1761-1771
Adkins, ThosAndrews, JohnAndrews, Wm Sr.
Atkinson, ThosAvent, WmAvery, John
Bagley, GeoBanks, BurwellBarker, John
Barker, JosBarlow, WmBell, Hannah
Bennett, WmBeddingfield, NathlBennington, Thos
Betts, ThosBiggins, WmBonner, Mary
Booth, GeoBradley, WmBriggs, Howell
Briggs, WmBrittle, WmBullock, Amy
Burham, EdwdBurrow, WmCain, Jas
Capell, ThosCarter, RichdCartridge, Wells
Chappell, JasClary, BirdClary, Thos
Cook, JosCook, ReubenCook, Wm
Cooke, ELiz.Cornett, GeoCornett, Martha
Dancy, WmDashly, ThosDavis, Thos
Death, JohnDeath, MaryDenton, Jos
Dickins, ThosDrew, Wm Sr.Dunn, Thos
Eatkins, WilmotteEdmunds, JohnEldridge, Wm
Ellis, BenEzell, TimothyFanning, Bryant
Felts, NathlFelts, ThosGee, Chas
Gibbons, JohnGilliam, ChasGilliam, Drury
Gilliam, HinshaGilliam, MarthaGilliam, Wm
Hancock, AnthonyHancock, ClementHancock, Sarah
Hancock, WmHarper, EdwdHawthorn, Jeptha
Hawthorn, JoshuaHay, JohnHays, Judith
Heeth, WmHewitt, WmHill, Amy
Hill, JohnHill, LucyHill, Mich.
Hill, RichdHowell, WmHunt, Ben
Irby, JohnIvie, HenryJackson, John
Jarrad, JohnJenkins, JohnJohnson, Moses
Jones, JasJones, RichdKing, Andrew
King, JohnKing, John Jr.Knight, Wm
Lashley, JohnLeath, ChasMabry, Chas
Maclimore, JohnMassenburg, N.MeGee, Ralph
McMich., WmMitchell, HenryMitchell, John
Mitchell, NathlMoore, EppesMoore, Sarah
Moore, ThosMoore, WmNorvell, Wm
Owen, RobtParham, MathewParham, Matt
Parham, RobtParker, WmPaynter, John
Pennington, JohnPennington, JosPennington, Joshua
Pennington, MosesPennington, RobtPennington, Thos
Porch, HenryPretlow, JoshuaPrice, Ann
Rainey, WmRawlings, GregoryRawlings, John Jr.
Ray, JohnRieves, FrancisRobts, Willett
Robinson, GeoRogers, WmRoland, Jos
Rose, RichdRosser, ThosRottenberry, L.
Rottenberry, S.Sammons, JasSammons, John
Sanders, SarahSanders, SarahSharp, Hardy
Sledge, ChasSmith, JasSmith, John
Smith, MarySmith, ThosSouthworth, John
Stohns, SamStokes, JohnStokes, Sam
Stokes, SilvanusSturdivant, AbnerSturdivant, Henry
Tatum, ChrisTatum, JohnTatum, Sam
Threewitts, Fr.Tomlinson, BurrellTomlinson, John
Tuder, HenryTyus, AbsalomTyus, John
Tyus, SylviaTyus, ThosWade, Thos
Ward, WmWeaver, EdmundWhitehead, Matt
Whitfield, MattWilbourn, John Jr.Wilburn, Mary
Wilkerson, ELiz.Wms, JasWinfield, Wm
Wyche, BenWynne, ThosYoung, Thos
Images of Wills and Estates 1771-1785
Adkinson, ThosAnderson, JasAnderson, Robt
Avery, RichdBarr, GabrielBarker, Chas
Barker, JasBarker, JehuBarker, Jos
Battle, ChasBattle, HamlinBaylis, Humphrey
Bell, JasBlanks, DavidBlizard, Chas
Blunt, JaneBlunt, RichdBonner, Mary
Bradley, HenryBriggs, HowellBriggs, Lucy
Broadnan, WmBrown, WmBurrow, Wm
Cargill, JohnCarter, ELiz.Carpenter, John
Caton, ELiz.Chappell, JasClark, John
Clary, JasCocke, JohnColson, Wm
Cook, JasCook, WmCotton, Thos
David, JohnDavis, JoanDavis, Thos
Duncan, NathlDunn, ThosEdmunds, John
Eskridge, ThosFelts, NathlFelts, Thos
Fort, HollidayFreeman, HenryFreeman, Josiah
Freeman, PhebeGarland, MarthaGilliam, Amy
Gilliam, JohnGilliam, MaryGilman, Warrick
Hamlin, S,Hancock, BenHancock, Wm
Hardee, JohnHarrison, HenryHarrison, John
Harwood, PhilHeeth, JohnHeeth, Wm
Hern, JasHill, BenHill, Michal
Hill, RichdHill, WmHines, Thos
Hood, JohnHubbard, MattHunt, John
Hunt, WmJackson, JohnJackson, Robt
Jas, AbnerJudkins, ChasJohnson, Thos
Jones, HowellJones, JasJones, Jos
Jones, MattJones, RichdJones, Robt
Jones, RobtJones, RowellKeron, Jas
Lane, JosLoftin, WmMabry, Chas
Mann, JasMarable, HenryManry, Henry
Meacham, JoshuaMill, RichdMiller, Wm
Mitchell, HenryMitchel, WmMoore, Anne
Moore, EppsMoore, MarthaMoss, Jas
Moss, JohnMoss, MaryMoss, Seth
Nicolson, JohnNicolson, MaryNorthington, Matt
Northington, S.Parham, ThosParham, Wm
Parker, WmParssom, RobtPartridge, Nich
Pate, ThosPennington, JohnPennington, Thos
Peters, ThosPettway, EdwdPettway, Robt
Pettway, WmPorch, HenryPorch, Jas Sr.
Price, H.Pye, MalcottRandall, Geo
Rawlins, GregRichdson, ArthurRichdson, John
Rives, ChrisRives, JohnRives, Wm
Robart, WilcoxRobts, FaithyRogers, Ben
Rogers, WmShands, WmShearman, Thos
Sturdivant, John A.Thompson, JohnTodd, Sam
Tucker, JoelTucker, RobtTyler, Henry
Underwood, RobtWade, ThosWallis, Thos
Weathers, LydiaWeaver, EdwdWilbourn, Ann
Wilbourn, JoelWilbourn, MaryWingfield, Abraham
Wingfield, WmWrenn, NathanWyche, John
Wyche, NathlWynne, ThosYoung, Katherine
Young, Thos

Zells, John


Images of Guardian Accounts and Estate Inventories

  • 1754 to 1787
  • 1782 to 1789
  • 1789 to 1824
  • 1824 to 1831

Images of Wills and Inventories

  • 1790 to 1796
  • 1796 to 1806
  • 1806 to 1812

Worn out Virginia Land Pushed Settlers Westward

The way in which the testator bequeathed lands usually determined the eldest son to the youngest. Old English Law dictated that the eldest son was the heir of all the titles and estates. The traditioned continued on American soil, but this time bequeathing the eldest son the homeplace and best lands. This is noticeable by the amount of acreage given. It is reasonable to assume that the person who received the least amount, was the youngest son. This thought is helpful when trying to ascertain why some of the sons moved on, so to speak.

The name of the game was rich soil upon which to establish fertile crops. During the early 1700s in Virginia,people were moving away from the family estates, and the reason is that they were receiving land grants to go West and settle untamed mountainous regions. Thus, the genealogist should do some historical research into that era, particularly military records, to learn what was happening concerning Indian relations and wars. Should you be researching during an early time and locate the wills and estates of all the children except one or two, then the next question should be “where were they?” This thought also applies to marriage records. If they did not marry in their home county, then where did they go? Naturally, it is important to read all of the old wills and estates of everyone in the family (in that county) because the answer might be found in one of those documents. In other words, one should become as familiar with the ancestral families as he is his own in modern times.